Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fun with Ribbon!

Click here to see the flyer for my Ribbons class in March!

Here are photos of 3 small purses I made out of ribbon recently.  I love the little brown one for its size: perfect for an ID and your iPod. I'm thinking of combining that with the bike bands (see next post down) to make an iPod holder for when you are working out. Wouldn't that be so much nicer than the boring ones they sell at the Apple store?


Ashley said...

Very cool idea Heather! You could make an ankle band or an arm band. Another idea might be to cater to the "clubbing" crowd -- an ankle band or wristlet just big enough for a person's i.d., car key, and a $20. Wish I could attend the ribbon class!
Love, A

Anonymous said...

lovely! yes combine!!! people want cute stuff and if it is super functional like what you are doing I think they will love even more! do it do it do it!

(and brown one IS so cute!) and love how you attached handle.