The rooster was the lucky find at the Goodwill. I went there hoping to find some sort of rooster image. Jennifer had indicated to me that her kitchen is decorated in a country/rooster theme. When I think "country," I think tans and dark reds and greens. So I started searching through all the linens and found 2 pillow cases, 3 sets of napkins, a table runner, and finally, at the very last minute, a lone placemat with a rooster on it! Hooray!

I wanted the apron to be "flirty" more than anything, and I feel I've achieved that. The stripes emulate feathers of a rooster to me.

A challenge for me was the size. Without a pattern, I've never made something for anyone else, and Jennifer indicated she was a size or two bigger than me, so I couldn't really use myself as a model. Luckily, I have a couple co-workers who were willing to model for me, and the apron looked so much better on them than it did on me. Nothing like clothes that fit!

This is the back, with extra long ties:

The apron swap has been a lot of fun. If you click on the button to the right, you can see all the other amazing creations that other women around the world made. There are some amazing ones and some well, interesting ones. But each one of them was made with love, and is a work of art in its own right.
Too, I've met a new online friend, Tara, through this swap! She is another artist in Fort Collins and I hope to have a chance to meet her in person at some point. Her blog is called Tinkerfrog, and at this very moment, she is having a really cool giveaway. Check out her blog and post a comment to be entered to win her excellent assortment of fabric. Do it soon, as her giveaway ends on April 30th!
So fun to see the results after seeing the design, and also going through the process myself. I really like the idea of using the feathers for inspiration, and the way you did it sort of makes me think of those skirts and dresses made from old ties. I also like how you added those bits to the sides to round it out. Looks more finished and comfortable.
I'm glad we did this together, it made it more fun!
Great design and colors! I am putting in my apron order :) Love you, linds
Thank you so much for this lovely apron! It has arrived (can you believe how slow the post is between the U.S. and CANADA?)
It is wonderful and I know I'll thoroughly enjoy wearing it as well as being appreciative of all of your creativity.
It truly is a wonderful design and fabulous colours!
Jennifer :)
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